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Week #15

Workshop focused on women from South Atlantic and the Canal del Dique

During the week a workshop was organized by the Federation of Artisanal, Aquaculture and Agricultural Fisheries of the South Atlantic and the Canal del Dique, integrated by 19 associations. This federation participates in the project that is being carried out between the University of Cartagena and the University of Manchester. The workshop was led by Yarelis Marriaga and Luz Karime; Yarelis is the leader of the women's project in this region titled "The new role of women for the recovery of the family tissue around productive projects such as aquaculture, in the ecoregion of the Canal del Dique and the Guajaro Reservoir." This project aims to change the role of women have been playing in this region in order women can carry out reproductive activities associated with the care of their children and the home activities with the support of their husbands, as well economic activities such as productive patios and aquaculture, that generate economic benefits.

Yarelis Marriaga, Project leader. The workshop had place in the Municipality of San Cristóbal. To arrive to this place, first we arrived at San Estanislao de Kostka (Arenal), then we crossed the Canal del Dique in a canoa and then we took a motorcycle to San Cristonal. The landscape of this region is very attractive and in the bodies of water you can see children and adults fishing and enjoying the water.

< Yarelis Marriaga, Líder del proyecto

The canoa in which is crossed in the channel is made of wood and is driven by a man with a rowing, this canoa can transport many people and the ticket costs only 1000 COP. Alongside these small boats you can also see a craft ferry that crosses a vehicle.

This channel is an artificial bifurcation of the Magdalena River and is very important for the country, it serves as a communication channel between the river Magdalena, the main river of the country, and the Caribbean Sea.

In December 2010 The waters of the channel overflowed, it produced the flooding of several municipalities of this region, which caused an affectation of many families, whom lost everything. Therefore, this project means a lot for the people of these communities, who are very interested in developing the projects that are being formulated.

The workshop began with an introduction by Yarelis about the meeting and an explanation of the project she is leading. Then, Luis Fernando from the blue planet foundation (FUPAC), who is part of the general project group, explained to the invited people about the general project, the importance of this and the progress that has been made.

Talks and activities about gender and development, ecofeminism and empowerment of women were also given. These talks aimed to explain in how productive projects and the awareness of the new role of women in society, could change the structure of families, the role of women and break stereotypes in these communities.

Some activities were done, one where all the people of the group created two stories, one for a girl and one for a boy. In both activities, participants were telling part of the story of the life of the characters. Different traits were observed about what is be a woman and what is be a man in society. The other activity was done was a performance where women acted as men and men as women, changing roles.

Community projects progress

Advance of community projects After completing the workshop, Luz, Adriana and I went to Lismar farm to advance in the projects of the region of freshwater bodies with the advice of Emilio Paredes, Marine Biologist, owner of an aquaculture farm and expert who collaborates with the project and works with these communities.

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