Week #11
A welcome rest for Alex and Olivia
Alex and Olivia spent a long weekend in the beautiful surf resort of Costeño Beach, run by some charming Canadian friends of Alex, one of whom is married to Li Samuel, the singer from Bomba Estéreo!

Alex attempted to teach Olivia how to surf on very small waves! Eventually they gave up on the surfing but had the chance to explore some of the many waterfalls in the area (including one with a 6m jump! And the incredible jungle and wildlife of the foothills of the Sierra Nevada (with a very close run in with a small but apparently very venomous snake).

They also got a chance to visit the more Colombian tourist town of Buritaca which has an amazing view of the Sierra from the mouth of the river. They rented kayaks from a blonde Costeño called Walter! and had a beer y the beach. It was a welcome rest from the chaos and heat of Cartagena although they did miss partying with the girls for thefiestas novembrinas in Cartagena.
It was an almost perfect weekend although the jejenes were even worse than the mosquitoes here and poor Alex got a nasty stomach bug that was going around the hostel on the last day.

If anyone would like to see something a little different on the coast of Magdalena and avoid the entry fee at Tayrona!, Costeño Beach and Rancho Relaxo (their sister hostel which is inland, has sheep, chickens, a donkey and its own waterfall! ) are well worth a visit, not to mention their delicious menu. For more information see their website.
Luz Karime in Repelón
Luz, who is visiting these days Repelón, her native town, could enjoy the beautiful landscapes offered by this land with incredible water bodies as Guajaro Damn. She had a meeting with Wilfrido García, who expressed his questions and worries about the present project and the next workshop, also he did to us an invitation for a workshop with all fishermen of the zone about social cartography at Repelon on Saturday 19th November.

Pasantes trabajando en las encuestas
Throughout this week, interns were dedicated on formulate the questions which will be part of the socio-economic and ecosystems services surveys. These surveys will be done on the different communities of Dique Channel and Cartagena and surroundings. They had meetings in many opprotunities for discusing the fundamental aspects of the surveys formulation and which would be the best way to do it.